PACT is volunteer driven. Community engagement, development, and unity are at the forefront of all of the events and programs PACT develops. We can’t do that without volunteers! Volunteering gives people the opportunity to invest into our community in ways that work for them, and all it takes is to show up & take action!
Ripple Effect Program Documents
Appanoose Activists Program Documents
Current & Ongoing Volunteer Opportunities
The Volunteer Incentive Program’s goal is to record, recruit and encourage involvement from community members, of all ages, willing to take time to lend a helping hand at PACT sponsored events & other community activities. Volunteer service will be recorded for 6-8th grades, 9-12th grades, & Adults 18+. Hours will be recorded by the volunteer through our digital submission form. Paper forms are available upon request. Tiered levels of rewards will begin once the volunteer has reached various hours of service, as listed at the bottom of the page.
Getting Started:
- ALL volunteers complete the digital enrollment form.
- Students (grades 6-12) must submit a completed parent consent form (for that specific program) to the PACT office in person or by email ( Prior to submitting hours.
- Students/Volunteers can reference the Volunteer Opportunities document to find pre-approved organizations and events to volunteer for or they can find outside opportunities. Volunteers can reach out if they have questions about whether or not a volunteer opportunity meets the requirements for the Ripple Effect, Silver Cord, or Volunteer Program by emailing
- Once a student is enrolled in the program, they can begin submitting their hours using the Google Form specific to their enrolled program listed below.
- Volunteers will receive an updated log of the hours once they have reached tier levels of rewards.
This program is based on the honor system, so no verification documentation needs to be submitted after each volunteer activity is completed. However, we do require that students include a contact name and phone number for the organization they volunteer with. This will only be used if the validity of the submitted hours comes into question.
Volunteering is at the very core of being a human. No one has made it through life without someone else’s help.
~Heather French Henry
Appanoose Activists:
95+ annual hours
- Name recognition on the PACT website & socials
- Recognition during Volunteer Appreciation Week
- Two complimentary tickets to PACT Annual Banquet
- Complimentary Shamrock Investor ($250) PACT membership
- Already an investor? We’ll add $250 to your current level!
- Plant a tree in a park within Appanoose County -or- have your name engraved in a brick on the Centerville Square.
- Snacks & beverages during volunteer shifts
65+ annual hours
- Name recognition on the PACT website & socials
- Recognition during Volunteer Appreciation Week
- Two complimentary tickets to the PACT Annual Banquet
- $50 in Chamber Bucks
- Snacks & beverages during volunteer shifts
35 annual hours
- Name recognition on the PACT website & socials
- Recognition during Volunteer Appreciation Week
- Snacks & beverages during the volunteer shifts
Awarded to any volunteer that has recorded 1000+ volunteer hours within the Volunteer Initiative Program. Participants will be honored with a portrait and plaque displayed on the PACT buildings grounds.
Special mention in the Graduation Commencement Program
Eligible to compete for additional monetary scholarships proved by PACT
Since Silver Cords is a scholarship program, hours accumulated in for the Silver Cord Program are not eligible to count toward PACT Volunteer Incentive Program totals.
Many parents think about ways to teach their kids the value of generosity. One effective way to teach selflessness is to encourage volunteering at an early age. We are excited to announce our addition of our Volunteer Youth Program. Specifically geared towards grades 6-8, we encourage students to participate and record their hours of involvement in our community!
Volunteering at young age has many benefits:
- Connects you to others
- Builds self confidence
- Improves mental & physical health
- Gain more empathy
- Builds long term generosity
- Develops communication skills
- and much more!
Rewards include:
- First 8 hours: $25 check from Farmers Bank
- 20 hours: $50 check from Farmers Bank
- Most hours recorded at the conclusion of 8th grade: Large prize TBD
- Each student with the most recorded hours per grade: recognized at the Annual PACT Banquet